The Meon Valley Bus provides public and private transport services to communities within the Meon Valley where there are limited or no scheduled bus/transport services. 

It is wholly owned and operated by the Meon Valley Community Bus Association (MVCBA), a registered charity 1168058. 

The Meon Valley Bus is staffed wholly by volunteers from within the local villages, who provide a friendly supportive and accommodating service to the bus’s passengers.

The passengers range from young children, through to the elderly and the bus is equipped to cater for all ability levels. 

The Bus operates scheduled services to several major shopping centres, such as Fareham, Winchester, Waterlooville, Hedge End and Petersfield, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.  The routes to all these locations start at convenient points in the local villages, and the routes taken allow for passengers to board the bus at key stops during the journey. 

These scheduled services allow passengers to spend approximately 2 hours at each location returning at around mid-day, dropping passengers of at scheduled and often more suitable stops. 

As well as the scheduled routes the bus is also available for private hire.  Organisations such as local schools, charity groups and social groups can hire the bus, with a driver for a fixed fee, plus a charge per mile.  Enquire at

The service is heavily dependent on volunteers.  If you would like to support this valuable service or have any other queries, please contact